Passenger Code of Conduct
These rules are for the safety & comfort of all. Your ride may be denied if you break them.

Sit behind the line while bus is moving and keep the aisle clear.

First row seats are for riders who are older, have a disability, or need child seat belts.

Wheelchair tie down areas are reserved for wheelchairs, walkers and mobility scooters.

Riders must be fully clothed and limit odors that disturb others.

Stay in control of your service animal.

Ask driver for help securing large items.

Leave the bus after one loop (unless another partial loop is needed to get where you are going).

No arguing, violence, threats, bullying or harassment.

No smoking, vaping, illegal drugs or open alcoholic drinks.

No littering or sticking anything out the windows.

No swearing or mean words about race, gender, age or sexual orientation.

No soliciting any product or service.

No taking more than one seat or putting your feet up.

No weapons.

No open food or drinks. (Lidded drinks are okay.)

No exposed body fluids.

No items that could cause a fire.

No excessive noise or speakers. Use headphones or turn off sound.