Notice of Public Hearing

Rural Community Transportation, Inc (RCT) gives notice that a public hearing will be held on proposed Public Transit Programs in the counties of Essex, Caledonia, Lamoille, and Orleans in Vermont:

Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Time: 10:00-10:30am
Join Zoom Meeting…
Meeting ID: 931 0666 7499 Passcode: 635206
Dial by phone: 1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) 1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

The Vermont Agency of Transportation anticipates the availability of funding through State Revenue Fund Subsidy Assistance; Federal Transit Administration 49 U.S.C. Sections 5310, 5311 and 5311(b)(3) and 5339 capital programs for State Fiscal Year 2019 public transportation projects; and that Rural Community Transportation will be applying for funds for the Projects described as follows:

FTA 49 U.S.C. Section 5310 funds – eligible projects include: capital replacement or expansion vehicles
or operating funds for the purpose of transporting elders and persons with disabilities.

FTA 49 U.S.C Section 5311 funds – Eligible projects include: capital (vehicle and non-rolling stock
items), marketing, preventive maintenance, administrative, and operating assistance to operate general
public transportation services, including persons who are elderly and/or with disabilities or low income,
but specifically excludes such services as single-ride taxi, charter or exclusive school bus transportation.

FTA 49 U.S.C Section 5311(b)(3) (RTAP) funding may be made available to organizations to provide
training, technical assistance or related services to meet the needs of rural public transportation operators
and their subcontractors.

FTA 49 U.S.C. Section 5339 funds – eligible projects include: capital replacement or expansion vehicles,
non-vehicle capital and facility projects to support the transportation and mobility of the general public.

The deadline for filing applications for FY 2023-24 programs is 4:00 pm on April 19, 2023.

If you have any questions, or need any special accommodations please contact the following person in

Caleb Grant, RCT Executive Director for Rural Community Transportation, Inc, and to the Vermont
Agency of Transportation at the addresses below within 7 days of publication of this notice. A copy of
the proposal may be seen at the Executive Director’s Office at Rural Community Transportation, Inc.
Persons desiring to make written comments should forward same to the addresses below within 7 days of
publication of this notice.

Caleb Grant, Executive Director
Rural Community Transportation Inc
1677 Industrial Parkway
Lyndonville, VT 05851
Phone (802)748-8170 Ext. 1301

Ross Macdonald, Public Transit Program
Vermont Agency of Transportation
219 North Main Street
Barre, VT 05641

Dated at Lyndonville, County of Caledonia, State of Vermont this 29th day of March 2023

Caleb Grant, Executive Director